Case Study Moxon Architects
October 11, 2018
The spectacular walkway lit with Surelight Orion LED strip-lights was designed by Moxon Architects.
The recently installed bridge runs along side the Anglo-Saxon Castle which houses the Museum of Somerset.
Castle Green Bridge Taunton – Somerset
Situated at the at the historic heart of Taunton, Surelight helped bring the award winning Castle Green Bridge to life with their specialist lighting.
What did Moxon Architects want?
Moxon Architects required specialist LED lighting to light their featured glass-sided bridge that floats across the Castle’s grass moat.
Castle Green has had many uses over the last few centuries. It was re-landscaped in 2012 as part of a major regeneration of the town with Moxon Architects heading up the bridge design.
The impressive plans were to reinstate Taunton’s historic Castle Green as a civic space for markets, events and relaxation.
How did Surelight achieve this?
Moxon Architects worked closely with our in-house lighting experts to choose the best LED lighting for the project.
The bridge was designed with a central wearing surface of porphyry stone to complement the hard landscaping throughout the wider landscaping scheme. The sides were formed by glass on the deck surface and on the lower portion of the parapet edge which housed Surelight’s Orionis LED Strip lights.
At the 200mm-thick deep edges, the concrete tapers to create a cavity for the LED strip-lighting fittings and power unit beneath the deck. This created a hidden light source that minimises the visual mass during the day and is the source of all lighting for the bridge at night.
The Bridge has been shortlisted for a BCIA [British Construction Industry Award] as well as being shortlisted for an RIBA award and was the winner of the ACE [Association of Consulting Engineers] ‘Constructing Excellence Award’.
Project Specifications
Architect : Moxon Architects
Location: Castle Green in the market town of Taunton
Type of project: Pedestrian Bridge
Structural engineer: Flint and Neill
Client: Project Taunton
Project Manager: Peter Brett Associates
Project Photographer: Simon Kennedy
Surelight LED Lighting used: Orionis LED Strip Lights